Welcome to my world

  (Photo courtesy of Google Images)                             The self-publisher. It may come as a surprise to some, but more books are self-published in Australia, than are… Read more “Welcome to my world”

Satan’s Little Helpers

Scan10004 While watching the demolition of his old school Placidus College, Simon Hickey looks back on ten turbulent, life defining years, when the first crop of Australia’s baby boomers were awakening to their sexuality. Seduced by the power of the pulpit, the Aquinine Brothers, and an ever¬present fear that Satan would snare him in an unguarded moment, Simon’s attention is directed toward a religious vocation. At the vocational training college, he encounters a serial paedophile, with far reaching and shocking consequences. A few years later, Simon becomes one of the `unlucky ones’, balloted into the Army for two years National Service in 1965.
A heartfelt, humorous, and poignant story, these two vastly different experiences are linked by a tender romance that defies Catholic conventions of the day, and reveals how two people who choose not to be conformist, cope with the social, religious and political nature of their time.To buy in North America, go to: http://amazon.com

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